2.80K viewsKovels Discussion Board
2.80K viewsKovels Discussion Board

Recently found a #5331 dish from Bernard Rice’s Sons Apollo studio Shadow Ardt line. Large. 14″ across. Can’t find this particular item on the web, but similar style pieces suggest early 1920s. Certainly looks Art Deco.

My questions: Is this an unusual piece, and should I have it cleaned properly? Plan to keep it as it is quite lovely, but would be interested in value just out of curiosity.


EPNS means “Electro Plated Nickel Silver” Basically they used an electric charge to apply a micro thin layer of silver to a nickel silver base !! Nickel silver has no silver whatsoever in it,,its only a similar color !! I think its a combination of tin, magnesium and zinc if I remember correctly !! Be very careful as the thin layer of silver plate will scratch easily !!


Marking is “Apollo EPNS made by Bernard Rice’s Sons, Inc. 5331, Shadow Ardt”
I believe this is silverplated brass.

Thanks for the cleaning info.


What is the mark on the bottom ?? Silver plate or sterling ?? Would not think sterling but you never know !! If you wish to clean it (I would) use any quality silver polish ( I use Wrights Silver Polish), then wash well in warm soapy water and dry/buff with a soft cloth !! Nothing that scratches,,!! Silver is meant to be cleaned and used !! Just don`t over do the cleaning if it is silver plate,, once or twice a year with a soft buffing in between should be fine !!

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