3.67K viewsKovels Discussion Board
3.67K viewsKovels Discussion Board

I just purchased the 2013 book and would like to know if by upgrading my online account to premium would be redundant or not. What are the advantages of premium online access over (if any) the book? I tried emailing Kovels’ but for some reason my server will not accept the return e-mail (confused as I have received e-mails regarding my posts on the forum), hence my online question.


Thanks Carolyn for your response and will definitely look into your suggestions. Interestingly much of what I’m trying to sell are very, very fine items of my mom’s which are in fact from the 40’s and 50’s (some even earlier) – I’ve been researching these items to the Nth degree with not a lot of success. What I’ve noticed is that a lot of websites utilize E-bay as a base for value which I don’t feel is necessarily accurate – a collector will often spend whatever it takes to get what s/he wants which we’ve witnessed both personally and otherwise… yeah, one can make a lot of $$, which we did, however what we’re currently involved in we don’t want to rip off and/or turn off prospective buyers. We do have quite a few books at our disposal however most of them are aiding my husband who at the moment is selling a vast amount of turquoise and Native American items – fortunately my husband knows his stuff. Again, thanks! 🙂

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