A block of four of the famous 1918 “Inverted Jenny” stamps sold for a record price topping $4.8 million. It was a plate-number block of 24-cent U.S. stamps, unusual because it still had one of the original plate numbers–a number in the selvage that indicated the printing plate that was used to make it–and it is the only one known. The plate-number block was sold in a private sale by Donald Sundman, president of Mystic Stamp Co. of Camden, N.Y. The unidentified buyers are “wealthy people who want to buy things,” Sundman told AntiqueWeek (Oct. 20, 2014). Experts think only a single sheet of 100 Inverted Jenny stamps was printed–the sheet mistakenly pictured an upside-down Curtis Jenny biplane. Two of the original stamps were stolen in 1955 and are still missing. (Read more about the missing stamps in Kovels Komments, Oct. 1, 2014.)

Photo Credit: United States Postal Service