A WWII Uncle Sam poster … a Victorian portrait pendant-pin … a 1960s Coca-Cola tin sign … a 1930s Magic Chef stove.

What do these things have in common? They all sold recently and they’re all important to collectors. And, they represent the top four categories of interest on the Kovels.com May 2007 Top Ten List. World War II memorabilia, Jewelry, Coca-Cola collectibles, and Stove have been the top picks for Kovels.com visitors for two months in a row.

The complete May 2007 top ten are:

  1. World War II
  2. Jewelry
  3. Coca-Cola
  4. Stove
  5. Occupied Japan
  6. Lighter
  7. Silverplate
  8. Furniture
  9. Bottle
  10. Paintings


The Kovels.com Top Ten List is based on the results of hundreds of thousands searches that took place on the website during the month of May 2007. Kovels.com is the Web’s largest free price guide for antiques and collectibles.