If your vintage iron pan gets rusty, you must scour the rusty area with a steel wool scouring pad. Then, when the rust has been removed, re-season the pan. Coat the inside of the pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Heat it until the oil starts to smoke. Rub with a paper towel and let it cool. Display it or use it.




One response to “Rusty Iron Pan”

  1. suetue says:

    Exactly! People are scared to death to touch their iron with steel wool.

    The way it works is that oil and protein particles from food get caught up in the rough areas of a pan. They turn to carbon and hang on to the bottom and sides of the crevices and get scrubbed off of the high areas. Slowly, over years, the pan becomes smoother and smoother. For that to happen, they have to be aggressively scrubbed once in a while.

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