Dear Lee,

Are collectors strange? Is it any more peculiar to collect clocks or lunch boxes than it is to own over 100 pairs of shoes? Is spending money for lots of old, used objects abnormal if recycling is to be praised? Is searching for an unrecognized treasure at an antiques shop any worse than buying lottery tickets?

Of course not. Collecting is a health-promoting activity. Walking for three hours at a flea market is healthy exercise. It is also stress-reducing to have an interest away from your job or housework. Studies show that decorating a home relieves stress, and we think decorating with collectibles is even more beneficial. Using old furniture is saving the environment and trees, conserving energy, lowering pollution from chimneys at furniture factories, and expressing our individuality. We avoid the unhealthy fumes from new plastic or plywood and we have the joy of finding something distinctive that enhances our home.

We have had a long, happy life together, partly because we both love to go to flea markets and house sales and have children who think our shopping is a type of treasure hunt they can join. We collect different things, but never say no if a collectible is “in the budget.” Collecting has added an extra dimension to our lives-new friends, new places to visit, new things to learn. And best of all, it’s fun.

P.S. Have even more fun by checking out our website, /. The new, expanded version should be online by the end of July.