1stdibs.com is a website that sells very expensive antiques for exclusive antiques shops in the United States and other countries. The site, started in 2001, sells high-priced antiques and design, connecting interior decorators, dealers and buyers online. Dealers are charged a monthly fee, plus an additional fee for each item listed. If items are purchased through the site the dealers are also expected to pay a commission. Now, dealers feel their privacy rights are being challenged. To meet its investors’ demand for return on investment, 1stdibs wants to be sure no conversation takes place outside the website. All customer interaction must take place with monitored and recorded conversations between dealers and buyers to be sure sales aren’t privately negotiated offline. Special software is being used, so 1stdibs knows if phone numbers or other personal information is being exchanged. The dealers have privacy concerns and do not want someone eavesdropping on their conversations with clients, so they are protesting. It is a battle of the old-style antiques sales model vs. new online marketplace ideas. Auction house fees have gone up to as much as 30% since they were first introduced at under 5% in the 1970s. And all of this results in higher costs for the customers.