Looking for old bottles? Try a beach. A woman on Wedge Island in Australia spotted an old bottle in January and saved it to display in her house. The bottle had no closure and was filled with damp sand. When dry, the bottle was found to have a tightly rolled note inside tied with string. The owners contacted a museum and learned the history of the bottle. It is a gin bottle, a Dutch brand by Daniel Visser & Zonen, and was used in a German naval experiment from 1864 to 1933 to study ocean currents. Bottles were thrown into the ocean with a note listing the date, location, ship’s name, travel route, home port and more. The note asked that the bottle be returned to the German Naval Observatory or a German consulate. More than 600 bottles have been returned, the last one in 1934. This bottle was probably buried in Australian sand for most of the time from 1886, the year it was thrown into the sea, to when it was discovered almost 132 years later. The bottle and note are now on display at the Australian museum for two years. It is the oldest known message in a bottle, considering the time that passed between when it was written and when it was found, surpassing the record of 108 years for a bottle found in Germany in 2015.



 Photo: Kym Illman/Kymillman.com