As we know, “Everything old is new again.” One of the “new old” Christmas decorations is the ceramic tabletop Christmas tree. They were the rage in the1970s, and while many of the pre-lit trees were available in stores, many crafty people made their own from kits or shops that told you how. Today new versions can be found almost every place that sells Christmas ornaments and decorations. There is even a YouTube video that shows a woman making a ceramic tree on a potter’s wheel. Many of the new trees are battery-operated; old ones have a long power cord to plug into the wall. Take your pick – new green, white, pink or cream-colored trees are easy to find for about $20 to $60, less than the vintage examples. A 1960s tree may be in your mother’s attic. Old ones are online for $70 to $150 plus shipping which is expensive, $20 to $40. There are also sources online that sell parts to restore the old ones.

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