The Top 20 list indicates the interests of collectors who visit the website. It is an indication of the most popular areas of interest among collectors.

In March, No. 7 was Purses. We have noticed at shows, shops, and auctions that designer purses made since the 1950s are big sellers. It’s probably because the very top of the market includes bags, like the famous Hermes Birkin bag, that retail for thousands of dollars. At auction, they sell for less and a little wear is expected. Thirteen of the 20 categories are types of pottery and porcelain, the most popular antique or collectible wanted today. Makers of the most well-known soft drink brands, Coca-Cola (No. 3) and Pepsi-Cola (No. 14), are still making collectibles, and thousands of different things can be found. The large trays, signs, and advertising pieces that date from 1886 to about 1914 are scarce and very valuable. And Toys (No. 10) of any age bring back fond memories. The price of anything is set by age, condition, and rarity, plus the remembered emotions of a childhood event or character.



  1. Bottle
  2. Occupied Japan
  3. Coca-Cola
  4. Bavaria
  5. Stoves
  6. Fenton
  7. Purses
  8. Capo-di-Monte
  9. Red Wing
  10. Toy
  11. Dresden
  12. Collector plates
  13. Shawnee pottery
  14. Pepsi-Cola
  15. Copeland-Spode
  16. Harker
  17. Wedgwood
  18. Cobalt blue
  19. Royal Doulton
  20. Cookie Jars

Photo: Judith Leiber Cupcake Handbag,