What vintage things will be selling for higher prices soon? Keep an eye on the pictures in fashion, decorating and style magazines. Have you noticed it is not only tattoos, long hair and beards that have returned from past men’s styles? Recent magazine ads show jewelry, especially chunky college rings, on a man’s index finger and cufflinks are being worn once again with shirts made with button holes on the cuffs. You can find old-fashioned belts worn in a new way – through belt loops on pants but with the buckle at the side, not the center, of your body. A hemstitched fifties’ pocket handkerchief is “cool” folded in a jacket breast pocket. And flowered Hawaiian shirts and pink dress shirts are back. Women’s fashion designers are making new versions of the 1950s’ shirtwaist dress. Some very expensive examples have unmatched antique buttons to embellish or actually push through the button holes. All of these are available at thrift stores and vintage clothing resale shops waiting to be repurposed. And have you noticed decorating magazines are now showing either huge modern paintings or groups of about 20 small pictures, flea market quality, artistically placed on a big wall?