It is very difficult to recognize fake cut glass pieces. Fakes became a problem in the 1980s and another batch appeared in the early 2000s. The American Cut Glass Association has a collection of fakes and can identify them by checking some characteristics. How does the piece of glass fluoresce under black light (ultraviolet)? Are the shape, dimensions, and weight of the piece correct? Does it have the expected wear and minor damage from years of use? Are the signatures correct? Using these criteria the American Cut Glass Association was able to identify numerous fake cut pieces in their September 2017 issue of the associations publication, The Hobstar. Members of the American Cut Glass Association ( sell reprints of many catalogs and other publications that help identify real American cut glass.



One response to “Fake Cut Glass”

  1. KARAN STOVALL says:

    I have a creamer with an intricate cut detailed pattern of hob stars and diamonds marked Nucut in the bottom center. The Sawtooth rim is smooth to touch. It has a brilliant shine in the light. Has a mould mark under the handle. It weighs 15.6 oz. Is this piece brilliant-cut or pressed glass?

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