Q: When I visited with my folks recently, my Mom pulled out this woven tapestry-like art piece that had been my grandmother’s. We wonder if you can tell us anything about it. We don’t know much about it, but my grandmother was often buying antiques and commemorative items. The back says “Made in France” and “Registered” but we can’t find any registration number on it. We think it must be some commemorative piece about Lindbergh’s trip across the Atlantic.


A: This tapestry is one of several made commemorating Charles Lindbergh’s flight from New York to Paris in 1927. He landed in Paris on May 21. It was the first solo flight across the Atlantic. A much wider version of the tapestry was made that includes the part you have in the center, the Statue of Liberty and “New York” on the left and the Eiffel Tower and “Paris” on the right. The smaller version like yours sells for about $60.