Burton, Ohio, is the home of a well-known flea market held bi-annually at the fairgrounds each spring and fall. I go to the early bird ($20 entry fee) when it isn’t crowded and buying is easier. It’s also a good time to talk to dealers and learn what is selling, what is not, and gather any tips for collectors. The Spring show was difficult, it rained the night before and the track was a sea of mud. But, I came prepared in high rubber boots. The fall show was perfect, a clear warm sunny day with inexpensive, fresh food readily available.

Here is a picture report of bargain furniture. Remember it’s a flea market, all prices were negotiable. Bargains were everywhere, but the most striking were the very low prices asked for the old, brown furniture that is currently out of favor. It costs less to get a solid wood 19th century chest of drawers than to buy a new pressboard one.